
Showing posts from May, 2023

Wish List for the HBO Reboot

       I can't remember a time I got more joy and excitement from a single announcement than what I felt when it was announced HBO was developing a Harry Potter reboot in the form of a TV series. While nothing will beat the nostalgia of the OG films, the format of doing a show over several seasons and hours of footage is a creative way to dive much deeper into the books and characters than the movies could have ever crammed into their two to two-and-a-half hour windows. As a massive Potter fan who grew up reading the novels and watching the movies, this got me reflecting on what sorts of things I'd like to see in the reboot that would differ from or simply weren't included in the films. I wanted to shoot for a nice round number like 10 or 15, but there ended up being just 8 I truly settled on, though many of them encompass a collection of smaller things. Naturally, I had to rank them from least important to most important as well. So without further to do... #8. The Charact